About IP.FM

The purpose of IP.FM is to provide a free and efficient IP geolocation lookup tool. We prioritize your privacy and guarantee that your activities remain untracked. Our website is completely ad-free. To ensure precise results, the IP database is updated weekly.

Lookup current IP and location

% curl ip.fm
IP: Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lookup IPv6 address

% curl ip.fm/2606:4700:4700::1111
IP: 2606:4700:4700::1111 Location: United States, Cloudflare, Inc.

Lookup your IP address

% curl ip.fm/myip

Lookup your User-Agent

% curl ip.fm/ua

The Web API in JSON format


When an invalid IP format is entered, the API returns an error message "HTTP 400 Bad Request - Not a valid IP address".